Archetype movements

Archetype movements are the basis for the development of primitive reflexes and later for the development of intentional, controlled movements.

Tactile integration

The skin receives information from the outside world and transmits it to the central nervous system where the information is processed.

Neurostructural integration

It enables the preparation of nerves-muscles-ligaments for better integration of primitive reflexes through the MNRI programme.

Integration of manual reflexes

Motor skills, manual skills, speech

Myofacial integration

Facial reflexes

MNRI method

Masgutova, Neuro, Reflex, Integration

Archetype movements

Archetype movements are the basis for the development of primitive reflexes and later for the development of intentional, controlled movements.


Tactile integration

The skin receives information from the outside world and transmits it to the central nervous system where the information is processed.


Neurostructural integration

It enables the preparation of nerves-muscles-ligaments for better integration of primitive reflexes through the MNRI program.


Integration of hand reflexes

By integrating primitive hand reflexes, we influence not only the fine motor and manual skills, but also speech and gross motor skills.


Myofacial integration

Facial reflexes affect not only the function of facial structures, but also participate in the development of the entire body.


Masgutova, Neuro, Reflex Integration

Reflexes do not only have a protective role for humans in situations of stress and danger, but also have great importance in laying the foundations of brain neurophysiology for the development of higher motor, emotional and cognitive functions.
